10 Feb

Batman as a superhero has been seen in many different entertainment forms. From comics to movies, there has always been a slightly different interpretation of everyone's favorite dark knight. So it would come as a surprise for many fans that in 2009, the game developers at Rocksteady studios would deliver to us a video game based on the Batman stories. Needless to say that they sure did knock it out of the park as the game would get high praise from gamers and comic book junkies for its smooth combat and interesting storyline. As for someone who was a first-time player for this game, I can mostly agree on all fronts by saying this is one heck of an incredible game.

After capturing the Joker (Mark Hamill) and sending him to imprisonment in Arkham Asylum. Batman (Kevin Conroy) soon realizes that the Joker has set some traps to break free and run amuck all over Arkham while freeing some of the prison's most notorious villains that Batman has ever fought. Batman will need to use his gadgets and his wits to defeat the unpredictable Joker and his goons to save the workers on the island who are all trapped to not escape the Joker’s wrath.

This story is honestly the perfect balance between over-the-top cartooniness and down to earth dark and bruting atmosphere. These are the aspects that made the world of Batman stand out from other superhero comics and they indeed deliver that same amount of passion to the game's story as it can be very dark and sometimes humorous. The narrative is completely unpredictable but satisfying and there are no shortages of interesting setbacks and evil foes for Batman to come in contact with. I should probably point out that the voice acting for the characters in this game is top-notch as they get some very well-known voice actors to play their roles including Kevin Conroy as Batman Tom Kane as Gorden and even Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame playing The Joker. All the characters both good and evil get their chance to shine and no one is left out of the mix which makes for a very well rounded and interesting cast of characters

The Gameplay sees you controlling as Batman and roaming around the island of Arkham while gaining new powerups and abilities to get across tight areas. In some cases, the style of gameplay kinda reminded me of the 2018 insomniac Spider-Man game as this game also lets you go around collecting collectibles and beating up baddies that may require different fighting techniques to beat them. The combat is swift and responsive and it ultimately is very self-rewarding in its own way. On the other hand, The collectibles scattered throughout the island will unlock special features such as character statues and voice tapes from Batman’s greatest enemies. There are also segments where they break up the usual gameplay and have you performing stealth to get away from the ruthless scarecrow and one on one boss battles. These are great, but I admittedly wish the boss battles were a little more challenging because they were a little too easy to defeat. Other than that, this is a great experience that captures the feeling of playing as Batman in a world so dark and twisted.

The Visuals are a mix between realistic graphics and graphics that bring a stylized comic look to make it look like the world of Batman has come alive. Most of the time is spent on Arkham Asylum which you would think would get boring very quickly, but the creators do a great job at making the interiors and exteriors of the island have specific dark and sharp color palettes to keep things interesting. Some of the biggest highlights of the visuals include being in the Batcave for the first time and avoiding the Scarecrow when the platforming is all collapsed. Little details such as Batman’s rips and tears in the suit as the game progresses are a nice attention to detail and the character designs for Batman’s arch enemies are very creepy and intriguing. This game has the feeling of being realistic, but also true to Batman’s comic book origins.

The Music for the game is done by composers Nick Arundel and Ron Fish who would later to on to score the music for the later Batman Arkham games. The score knocks it almost out of the park with tunes that you’d most likely hear in a typical Batman movie from Hollywood. Much like the visuals and story, it is dark, but also rather chipper at the same time.

I wasn’t expecting to have so much fun with Batman Arkham Asylum, but this is without a doubt one of the best superhero games ever crafted. It may not quite have the same amount of ambition as the Insomniac Spider-Man game, but this is without a doubt a win for Rocksteady studios and I am eagerly anticipating playing the sequels that would come out right after Arkham Asylum. If you are a Batman fan and have not played this game yet, chances are you’ll be in for a real treat indeed.

(Final Grade: A-)

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