27 Feb

With the first Spider-Man game being a huge hit for Insomniac games, there seemed to be a lot of buzz around the next Spider-Man game seeing that this time will be swinging into action with Miles Morales as he takes on the task of balancing his life with the responsibilities of being the Web-Swinging hero. (Just a heads up, I only have the PS4 version of the game which may mean there are some graphical issues present in this version of the game but I don’t think the changes are gonna matter that much, just saying).

The game takes place one year after the events of the previous game when Miles gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gains the powers of Spider-Man with some additional added-on abilities. Miles has learned everything he can from the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker as he tries to aid him in his quests to stop crime across the city. One day, Peter leaves on an important trip with Mary Jane and leaves Miles to look after the city. Miles won’t be alone however as he’s got his trusted roommate Ganke on his side to help him in completing missions. Unfortunately, Miles is gonna get a lot more on his shoulders than he can handle as he discovers that those who are close to him are not what they seem and that they have different agendas that they are tasked with doing. It’s a dog eat dog world for Miles and he’ll need to use all his strength and newfound powers to set things right in New York City.

The last game sure did have a lot of promise when the end credits teased us on playing as Miles Morales and lucky the game’s story does not disappoint as the struggles and hardships Miles goes through as Spider-Man are executed greatly with a lot of twists and turns around every corner. Much like the last game, the story only gets deeper and deeper from where it started and a lot of plot threads that get brought up are concluded very nicely. The only argument I would make from a narrative perspective is that while the story is great, I’ll admit that the overall adventure didn’t quite hit me in all the right places like it did last time. Don’t get me wrong, it still works amazingly well, but I just felt like something was missing if you know what I’m saying. Miles Morales’s character gets put to the test as he has to go through the same trials and tribulations like Peter did and they really nail that idea of him leading a double life which is not easy. Other characters like Phin and Uncle Arron also get interesting story arcs and their relationship with Miles often gets put to the test in brutal and shocking ways. Even J Jonah Jameson makes his appearance once again and he’s just as funny and arrogant as he ever was with his podcast talk show.

If you are familiar with the mechanics of the last game, then this game will seem very familiar to you. Like before, you get the whole island of Manhattan to explore and there are many challenges and tasks to complete in each section of the Island. Doing said challenges and tasks will give you the ability to buy personalized Miles Morales Spider-Man costumes and gadgets. Combat works the same as the last game did with a few new moves. Miles has the ability to use a venom strike to stun enemies or shut down mechanical reactors. He can even turn invisible to avoid being detected very easily. Swinging through the city is still just as fun as it was before and I like the additional little detail of miles being a little screwy with his move set as he’s not quite at the level that Peter Parker was. Also, I hope you like playing as Miles because that’s all you’ll really get to play as. Occasionally you’ll be Miles without the mask which is nice to break from the original gameplay, but I wish they could have given me more characters to play as like in the first game.

The Visuals may not be as incredible artistic and groundbreaking as the last game, but that is no way a downgrade as the overall look still manages to capture the awe and wonder that made the first game a success. New York looks as great as ever especially with the fact that you’ll be playing during the winter season which can lead to some beautiful scenery. Human characters look believable without having them being too uncanny and there are many little details sprinkled throughout the game to make the overall picture look stunning. Now I am aware that I’m saying what I’m saying through my experience playing the PS4 version, even despite the fact that the PS5 version does have some better-looking graphics. I’ll still say that the PS4 version is still worth buying because it looks just as good even with a few visual downgrades. The Music has all the epicness that the first game had and it truly sounds like something from one of the feature-length Spider-Man films. The soundtrack also features some decent pop tunes that fit in well with Miles Morales’s character as they may not be memorable but they are atmospheric.

Despite the somewhat repetitive gameplay and some familiar storytelling that may have already been done in the last game. Spider-Man, Miles Morales is still an excellent game that is worth playing for anyone who loves the original Spider-Man game as much as I did. Its short but solidly written narrative, well-rounded characters, and great visuals offer a thrilling experience that may not quite reach the same level as its predecessor but comes close enough to earn the rave it has been getting from Spider-Man fans of every kind. I can already bet there is another Spider-Man game in the works as I speak, and if it’s gonna be just as great as the last two, I am more than excited to see where the franchise will go next.

(Final Grade: A-)

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