02 Dec

If I told you that an anthropomorphic talking stick managed to make me shed a tear, you’d think I’m crazy. Stick Man is in my opinion, a new Christmas Classic that is based on the children's book of the same name. It may not look like much at first, but once you see it, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.  

In a world where sticks come to life, Stick Man is a loving father with a wife and three kids. One day while going for a jog, he finds himself caught by a dog and brings Stick Man to a boy who tries to play fetch with the stick. Later on, Stick Man gets caught by many other kids and animals who each use the stick for different uses. Soon enough he finds himself drifting further and further away from the family tree. Can he get back to his family before it's too late?

I’m not gonna lie, this story is quite an emotional roller coaster. I don’t mean that the story is especially complex or relevant to today's culture. it's remarkably simple in its execution and yet still manages to get an emotional response. I think that it’s because the short uses a simple truth about being separated from your family and the lengths someone will go to get back home. Anybody whether kid or parent can easily identify the situation and relate in some way or another. This short also has a very unique visual style that is beautiful and simple almost like a storybook being brought to life. There’s a lot of places the story goes and the emotions of the stick characters feel so real that it could make you very emotional.

This is a short that is almost Pixar level quality with its execution in story and visuals. If you ever come across this short in any of your favorite streaming platforms, don’t hesitate. check it out especially around Christmas time. Here’s to hoping that maybe one day it will become a Christmas classic.

(Final Grade: A)

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