20 Feb

The first LittleBigPlanet game went on to get widespread acclaim from gamers and critics which propelled the game's main character Sackboy into another gaming icon for the Playstation’s long lineup of characters. So how would they be able to follow up on of the most successful games of 2008? Make a sequel of course. In 2011 Media Moulcue released LittleBigPlanet 2 in an effort to expand upon the predecessor with more creative gameplay and even more tools and settings to customize your own unique levels. The first game definitely set the groundwork, but the sequel does everything it can to push the limits of imaginative platforming, colorful characters and even more unique gameplay.

When an evil vacuum-like creature called the negitivatron wreaks havoc on the LittleBigPlanet universe. It’s up to Sackboy as he joins a group called the resistance led by creator Larry Da Vinci to stop the negitivatron in their track. Along the way, the duo comes to many interesting lands and meets serval new faces that want to help the resistance to accomplish their goal.

In case you are wondering, yes, this game has much more of a flowing narrative that rides throughout the entire game instead of just part of it. The cutscenes in between levels feel much more cinematic and epic with the addition of characters that accompany Sackboy along the journey that have actual voice acting behind them. Speaking of which, boy are these some colorful and wacky characters. Each one we encounter has a wide range of personalities and quirks that make them likable or funny. It's amazing that Media Moulcue went through so much trouble to create a story that can be just as entertaining as the gameplay and it only helps make the game even more memorable than the last.

If you already know the gameplay from the last game then chances are this game will seem very familiar. Sackboy controls much like before, but with the added addition of given powerups that when equipped will allow Sackboy to defeat enemies or get across big gaps of a level. These power-ups include a grappling hook, gloves that allow you to pick up objects, and even mechanical animals that come with their own special moves. Prize bubbles are scattered along the way for collecting and you can even control an army of Sackbots and lead them to safety from dangerous situations. I would argue that the level designs in this game are much more creative in this game than they were in the previous game as it makes the most out of the new creative tools the game is given in order to inspire you to make your own levels in the new and improved create mode. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to share your creations online anymore due to the LittleBigPlanet servers being shut down, but it's still so much fun to play through the main campaign and mess around with the create mode’s new tools regardless.  

If you thought the level design in the first game was impressive, you’ll be most likely blown away by how even more immersive the visuals are in the campaign mode. The levels have even more complexity and life as they are littered with visually appealing platforming and objects in the background. The game still houses that homemade crafty-looking appeal with a new twist to keep things fresh. Every level brings a sense of wonder and even evilness depending on the locations and the designs of the characters are very expressive, especially in the cinematic cutscenes. I personally would like to see more colorful and peaceful locations from before, but that’s a nitpick as the visuals are indeed much bigger and better than they were before. So many composers are attached to making the music, but the music is  definitely a step up as it is even more fun and epic to listen to. Plus you can tweak these tracks in create mode to make them sound as lovely as you want them to be.

The Sequel always strives to be bigger and bolder while introducing new lovable characters and familiar gameplay with added-on twists. LittleBigPlanet 2 is everything a great sequel should be and that statement is enough for me to say that it’s an absolute must-play for fans of the first game. Any problems I do have with this game are minor nitpicks because Media Moulcue took what was already established before and brought their creativity up to 11 with new creative level designs, memorable characters, and fantastic visuals. It’s gonna take a lot for this series to even beat what has already been done in this more than worthy follow-up to a great PlayStation franchise.

(Final Grade: A-)

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