25 Jan

Most of us MCU fans know that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are great as side characters to Steve Rodgers as Captain America. However, times have changed and Captain America seems to be out of the picture leaving The Falcon and the Winter Soldier to have their own separate adventure on Disney+ in the form of a mini-series. The MCU’s first attempt at a mini-series started with WandaVision which was a surprise to me despite it having some problems that were honestly forgivable. Will this mini-series prove that two side heroes from the Captain America movies can carry a story let alone a series?

Taking place after the events of Avengers Endgame, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) known as The Falcon gives up Steve Rodgers shield thinking he’s not worthy enough to become the next Captain America. This comes to the dismay of Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) A.K.A The Winter Soilder who thinks Sam has made a grave mistake. However when a new threat called The Flag Smashers makes a stamp on the world’s economy, the government appoints John Walker (Wyatt Russell) as the new Captain America to stop the Flag Smashers in their tracks. This catches the attention of Sam and Bucky who also trace down The Flag Smashers with the help of unexpected enemies and allies to figure out what the real deal is with The Flag Smashers and their true motives.

I got to say that sometimes I feel like the series feels naked without Steve Rodgers as Captain America in it but I know that is obviously the point. Needless to say, the story is good enough for what it is and it isn’t without its interesting ideas and pretty good character growth. The storytelling is similar to the style and tone of “Captain America and The Winter Soldier” and each episode always brings new plot elements to the table that challenge our heroes both mentally and physically. I will say though that there are points when the story can seem to slow down just a tad with plot elements that maybe weren't quite as well thought out like giving some sentiment to one of the leaders of the flag smashers or Sam and Bucky having feuds with each other that don’t really seem to lead to anything that important or thought-provoking. Other than those things this was a good enough time to say I enjoyed myself.

Now there is a bit of a risk when taking side characters and giving them their own separate adventure that doesn’t involve the previously established main characters. In terms of how they did with giving The Falcon and the Winter Soldier more depth and character growth, I'd say the creators did a fine enough job. I think there was a reason that Sam and Bucky were convinced as side characters but I give credit that they tried their hardest to give more insight and depth into characters that were already likable in the Captain America movies. I do kind of wish that Sam’s journey was made a little more interesting with going through more trials and tribulations before coming to the final conclusion, but it is rather satisfying to see how his character grows in the end. Bucky is kind of half and half but he does a good job regardless even if his personality is better with Captain America by his side. Wyatt Russel arrives on the scene as the new Captain America and at first, I thought he would be this incompetent person posing as a superhero for attention, but I do like that they do make him legitimately talented and human in some cases. The only character that could be cut from the series is Zemo who first appeared as the villain in “Captain America Civil War”. I didn’t like him that much in that movie and I don’t really like him here. You can cut him from the whole thing and the story would barely change because his personality is so awkward and dull.

The cinemotogrpy is pretty good even if it is a step down from the Captain America movies in which this series takes a great deal of inspiration from. Sometimes there is a cool action sequence with The Falcon flying around and doing his thing but most of everything else usually comes down to dark and gritty locations that after a while get a little boring to look at. Like always though, the stunt work and action is pretty stellar and the locations we get to visit aren’t without some remarkable features. I just kinda wish the creators could have gotten more creative with their cinematography because most of everything in this show visual wise is sadly standard compared to the visual styles in a mini series like WandaVision.

Henry Jackman had the honor to score two of the Captain America movies so its quite suprising they managed to get him back to score the adventures of The Falcon and The Winter Soilder as well. The music obviously can’t match the same amount of epicness of the Captain America movies, but for what it’s worth, the music was good enough as it was.

If you enjoyed The Falcon and The Winter Soldier as side characters in the Captain America movies, chances are you’ll enjoy them in this mini series as well. I just think this second mini series of the MCU is just good. It does have it’s dramatic and epic moments, but I felt like the characters and storytelling should have been a little better in my opinion. I do give the series credit for giving Sam and Bucky more depth and insight and I am looking forward to whats next for them. However, the uneven storytelling and somewhat boring cinemtogrpy could have had more effort thrown in to be on the same ranks as the MCU movies. Still, I enjoyed this series and I respect it for what it’s trying to do. It’s still worth your time at the end of the day and it is quite the ride that may have a few bumps in the road but is enjoyable enough regardless.

(Final Grade: B)

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