Lets go back in time to the 90's, where an unknown studio had a dream and a vision to produce the first ever CGI animated film. Get ready to go to infinity and beyond as we rediscover the 1995 classic that was groundbreaking for it's time and a movie that would define Pixar Animation Studios for decades.

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Get out your tissue boxes because this one is a tearjerker. We are about to look at the would be epic conclusion of the Toy Story movies that is satisfying in almost every way possible.

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The Toys are back in town in a sequel that manages to be just as good if not even better than the last time. lets take a look and see why this movie is such a roller coaster of emotions

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It's a parody, It's a comedy, It's a flat out fun experience. lets get our geek on and discover a movie that manages to make fun of it self and yet fully embraces it in a great space adventure comedy

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