It is debatable among fans as to which live-action Disney movie is the best. For me, there is no contest as Enchanted has everything you could want in a princess film and even more. This movie brings together the best of Live Action and even Animation storytelling to create what I consider a modern Disney classic.

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Sonic The Hedgehog did well with many fans the last time but I personally just couldn't get into the blue hedgehog's first ever motion picture all that much. Could this new sequel possibly change my mind about the Sonic movie franchise?

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As Sonic the Hedgehog always says "Gotta Go Fast", but maybe this movie goes too fast in developing a story that has actual heart and passion. many people like this movie but I have very mixed feelings about this standard CGI/Live-Action Hybrid Movie.

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With the first film being such a yawn, is there any hope for this sequel to show me that this superhero franchise might have something to it? or will it fall flat on it's face like the previous movie?

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Many moviegoers and comic book junkies love this interptaion of the well know superheroes from the Marvel comics. so why do I feel like i'm the only one that see this movie as lacking compared to other superhero flicks

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