Now Our four friends find themselves in Europe traveling the country with the circus in a three ringed adventure that may just be the best film in the Madagascar Franchise

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Let's head on over to Litwaks Arcade and discover a video game story that has heart humor and tons of visual eye candy (no pun intended) in Disney's 52nd Animated Feature.

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This film came out at an unfortunate time when director Tim Burton wasn't doing super well. Come see why this movie deserves more attention as another Burton film with heart humor and tons of weirdness galore.

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When you give a cliched story to a talented group of filmmakers, you get a horrific but smart movie that makes an old story seem new again. lets take a look at Laika's second ever feature film ParaNorman.

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it's a Disney movie. No wait, it's a Pixar movie trying to emulate a traditional Disney princess movie. this may be the most akward movie to ever come from Pixar's library, but it may still have it's perks of excellance even with having some problems.

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One of 2012's most popular blockbusters is a crossover event unlike anything cinema has witnessed in history. let's suit up and discover one of the best Marvel movies ever created.

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