30 Jan

Hilda is an animated series from Netflix that is based on the graphic novels created by Luke Pearson. This show came out around the time when cartoons like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls were making big headlines for young and old alike. Personally, I’ve never read any of the graphic novels before seeing the show, but it really doesn’t matter because judging by the first season alone, Hilda is in my opinion one of, if not the best Netflix “kids” show I’ve ever seen.

The series focuses on Hilda, A brave and free-spirited little girl who is plucked from her home in the magical wilderness and moves with her mum to the city of Trollburg. Although hesitant at first, Hilda eventually learns to adapt to her new environment and makes new friends as well as discoveries along the way. Along with her adventures, she learns a thing or two about friendship and how her actions can cause some troubling consequences.

Each episode brings something new to the table. Most of the time it involves Hilda and her friends coming across some odd mysterious creature or person and unintentionally getting roped in their situation. There is a lot of humor for sure but also great world building and character relationships. Just watching Hilda struggle with her new environment but willing to adapt is charming and relatable. Her relationships with her mum and her friends are well handled and even when the show starts to dip its toes into typical kid show cliches, it manages to handle them remarkably well without feeling forced. Hilda is such an innocent but also adventurous to a fault but she is probably the most charming protagonist I’ve seen in a while. Other characters like Hilda’s dog Twig as well as Frida and David also have great characteristics and their chemistry is strong and understandable.

The animation style is reminiscent of many other cartoons around the time of its release and yet it manages to find a style that helps it stand out from the other shows. The character designs are adorable and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. There is also a specific color plate the show likes to push. Whenever I think of Hilda, I tend to think of the primary colors like red and yellow and how bold the colors can feel when in dark places. It’s also appreciated when sometimes the show treats itself on a cinematic level as there are many impressive shots of the wilderness and the city of Trollburg and how from time to time they use motion blur for close-ups and focusing shots just like in live-action filmmaking. The music is beautiful with its synthesized tunes that make the world of Hilda atmospheric and lovely especially when during the more mellow moments.

If you’re a fan of shows like Adventure Time or Gravity Falls then Hilda will no doubt be the best show to watch as it’s incredibly charming, well written, and beautifully animated. Even the problems I do have with the show are only limited to nitpicks because the show is truly amazing in how it handles its story in each and every episode. I already know there is a second season after this season and I’m all the more excited to see more adventures from my favorite blue-haired heroine.

(Final Grade: A) 

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