23 Nov

The Nightmare Before Christmas sure has gotten an explosion of attention in recent years. There’s merchandise, books and even a video game tie in based on the holiday masterpiece from visionary Tim Burton and director Henry Selick. The most surprising of these revelations is a spin off comic book series based on Jack Skellington’s loyal pup Zero who happens to go one a very interesting adventure himself simply titled Zero’s Journey.

In this story, Zero’s master Jack Skellington is under a lot of stress to plan Halloween to be even scarier than last year. Zero attempts to try to get his master to play with him but he at first denies him. After a little more convincing though, Jack gives in and plays fetch with Zero for a little while using one of his bones. While fetching Zero accidentally activates Jack’s invention, a teleporter that can bring anyone to any holiday world at any time. Zero of course, gets sucked up the portal and finds himself ending up in Christmas town. When Jack figures out what happened he asks anyone in Halloween town to go find Zero while he counties to make plans for next Halloween. Much to his surprise, Lock, Shock and Barrel offer to go help find Zero and despite Jack’s doubts and suspicions he lets them head to Christmas town to find his beloved pup. Meanwhile Zero aimlessly wanders around Christmas town hoping to find his way back home to his master.

Right off the bat, this first issue in a lineup of other stories yet to come really captures the tone and feel of the movie both visually and literally. The way the comic works is very interesting because instead of reading it left to right, this time you read it right to left which is very unique. Another thing that is also unique is its way of incorporating rhyming segments of the words to make it feel like the characters are singing even though there is no music. Most of the story is focused on Zero but you’ll also be able to see other characters such as Sally, The Mayor and of course Lock Shock and Barrel. The way the comic looks is very similar to the look of the movie which really makes the product feel more authentic and true to its source material. If I did have one thing to complain about, I would say that maybe Jack’s character could have had more involvement and he never really did anything that bad to Zero so he really doesn't deserve to be depressed when his dog goes missing.

If you love The Nightmare Before Christmas and you want to hear more tales featuring the unique world the movie has to offer, this is a good recommendation for comic book readers and even non readers alike. The story only continues even further after your done with reading the first book, but i’m sure you’ll be just as excited to see what happens to Zero in the following stories that come.

(Final Grade B+) 

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